PDF⋙ The Diabetics' 90 Day Personal Diary: for Diabetes & Weight Loss Management by Lisa Frase
The Diabetics' 90 Day Personal Diary: for Diabetes & Weight Loss Management by Lisa Frase
The Diabetics' 90 Day Personal Diary: for Diabetes & Weight Loss Management by Lisa Frase PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
Keep track of your insulin, medication, water, and food intake for 90 days with this personal diary designed for diabetics who need to get their blood sugars under control and lose weight. The diary includes space to track water, vitamins, and daily exercise too! A space for recording your weight is provided every seven days, so that you can focus on your health first without obsessing over weight. Take the time to take care of yourself! Carry this book with you everywhere you go, so that you can record your day, analyze and evaluate your daily intake, and make better decisions about your health.From reader reviews:
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