PDF⋙ Tao of Photography: Unlock your Creativity Using the Wisdom of the East by Tom Ang

Tao of Photography: Unlock your Creativity Using the Wisdom of the East by Tom Ang

Tao of Photography: Unlock your Creativity Using the Wisdom of the East

Tao of Photography: Unlock your Creativity Using the Wisdom of the East by Tom Ang PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Combining ancient principles of harmony with modern camera techniques, this unusual book offers photographers new ways to produce innovative, meaningful, and memorable pictures.

The author shows how to apply Tao concepts of Yin and Yang and “the Way” to photography, balancing the pros and cons of one action over another in every decision: whether to choose color or black-and-white film; fast film or film-grained; wide angle or long lens; high or low viewpoint; large or small format; light or dark exposure. Basic photographic techniques are explained in step-by-step instructions, and the book’s expert technical tips include the latest information on digital photography.

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